Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Ten Registry Mistakes you should seriously avoid

The registry stands for the database structure on Microsoft Windows operating system, which stores the low-level settings of the application files. It contains various registry keys that help applications to run smoothly on the computer. However, constant usage of the applications or programs piles up a lot of unwanted registry entries which further clutters the storage space on the hard drive, resulting in a slow running PC. Now, attempting to fix the registry without an expert can lead you to further troubles and can destroy your Windows permanently.
Therefore, before you start messing with your registry make sure you go through the following dos and don’ts carefully:

1)    The foremost protective measure that you should take is to have a backup. And that applies to always! A timely backup helps to save all your vital files. Even if there is a breakdown of your computer, you can always retrieve back your files. To make things easier, it is advisable that you have the backup on an external device.

2)    Choose a registry cleaner wisely. With increasing complaints of a slow running PC, the demand for registry cleaners has also escalated more than it was ever expected. Based on this reason, there are plenty of registry cleaners that claim to give a superior optimization. However, not all are trustworthy and most of them turn out to be fake. What is even scarier is the fact that hackers are disguising virus infected applications as registry cleaners and infecting countless computers. Therefore, before you opt for a registry cleaner make sure you know about that all and it should have a significant goodwill in the market as well.

3)    You can also opt to use ERUNT - (The Emergency Recovery Utility NT) for backing up the registry. Although it is redundant yet it will be effective in backing up the registry in time.

4)    While you are scanning, keep a note of not allowing any application to run in the background. Programs or tools running in your system tray are also advised not to load while the scanning process is on. This is primarily because applications opened in the background will constantly make changes and alterations in the registry. Thus, to avoid any unnecessary hindrance while scanning and cleaning your registry it is better recommended not to load or run any application or program in the background.

5)    Once the scanning action comes to an end, you shall be able to remove unwanted registry clutter or in some cases you may also repair registry errors as well. Make sure you are doing all of this at a very safe and least invasive level. Do not rush in cleaning or wiping out all of the registry junk in one attempt. Be very alert about the specific registry keys and delete only the clutters that are meant to be.

6)    Nominating which error to repair or remove can be troublesome. Be very cautious about which entry to either delete or repair. Invigilate the entries specified as ‘Caution’, ‘Extreme Caution’ or any other risk-alerting indicator. In case, you are an advanced user you may be lightly okay with taking chances. However, for non-tech wizards, if any registry entry feels doubtful or you are not that sure about its actual utility, leave that alone. If once that entry is hampered, even the restore option will be of no help and restoration will not take place since the DLL entry that just got deleted is essential for the booting process of your system.

7)    While the registry cleaner is doing its core action of scanning and cleaning, it is recommendable to be attentive and see how the application is effectively working on your PC.  This will also help you to have an idea about which registry entries are getting deleted and how that is serving effectively to optimize your computer.

8)    Post-scanning if a situation arises where you suddenly see programs like Excel, Word are having problems or not launching properly, there is no need to panic unnecessarily. Take help of the registry restore option. If this does not help, restoration of the registry will be required to do with ERUNT.

9)    Scanning more than it is necessary does no good. It is rather a myth to believe in a concept that more often the scanning is done, the better the system runs. Although scanning frequently won’t harm anything, there will be hardly any significant performance hike.  

10) Always verify that the registry cleaner you choose should have a defragmenting option. Defragmenting is very necessary to keep your system optimize and outputting a speedy performance. Generally, fragmentation of your hard disk is chiefly one of the main reasons your PC runs slow. Thus, a defragged enabled registry cleaner will be more functional in giving your PC optimized, clean and error-less performance.

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